Welcome to Spruce It Up's Plant Finder! Using the search fields below, you can find information about the perfect trees, shrubs and perennials for your yard. It's simple! Enter the fields that are applicable to your search, peruse our informative database, add plants to your personal plant wish list, and when you're done print it out and bring it into the store where one of our qualified staff will be glad to help you find your desired plants or alternatives if we do carry them in stock!
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER! PLEASE READ! - This Plant Finder tool is an online resource representing many of the possible varieties that we carry over the course of the season, and is intended for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. Inventory varies seasonally, so we CANNOT GUARANTEE that every plant will be in stock at all times - please contact the store directly for current availability. It does not include our entire selection of plants, so be sure to visit our store to see varieties that may not be represented on this list.
As Plant Finder is a RESEARCH DATABASE and does not reflect our current inventory, please feel welcome to call our store at 403-201-7525 for inqueries.
Search for plants by entering key words and phrases, specific characteristics, or both, then click on the "Search" button, or get detailed information and advanced tips and hints on how to use this resource.