Results 31 to 40 of 121
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Birds Nest Spruce
Picea abies 'Nidiformis'

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  4 feet
Spread:  5 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A small dense spreading shrub which develops a characteristic depression in the center (hence the name), very unlike the species;...

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Pumila Norway Spruce
Picea abies 'Pumila'

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  4 feet
Spread:  5 feet
Sunlight:  full sun

Fresh green needles and a compact habit make this slow growing dwarf evergreen a great choice for smaller landscapes and rock...

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Pusch Spruce
Picea abies 'Pusch'

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  5 feet
Spread:  5 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A slow-growing dwarf conifer with lime green new growth that matures to deep green; distinctive red cones in spring mature to...

Plant Photo 4
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Tompa Dwarf Spruce
Picea abies 'Tompa'

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  5 feet
Spread:  5 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

Fresh green needles and a compact habit make this slow growing dwarf conifer a great choice for smaller landscapes and even rock...

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Bush's Lace Engelmann Spruce
Picea engelmannii 'Bush's Lace'

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  12 feet
Spread:  8 feet
Sunlight:  full sun

An impressive selection with pendulous branches reaching down from a strong central leader; powder blue foliage; a great tree for...

Plant Photo 6
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Big Berta White Spruce
Picea glauca 'Big Berta'

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  12 feet
Spread:  6 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A popular conical evergreen shrub with light green new foliage that matures to gray-green; this selection has longer needles and...

Plant Photo 7
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Blue Tear Drop Black Spruce
Picea mariana 'Blue Tear Drop'

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  6 feet
Spread:  6 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A cold hardy dwarf selection with striking blue-green foliage; very small needles and dense branching produces a tight,...

Plant Photo 8
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Bacheri Blue Spruce
Picea pungens 'Bacheri'

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  12 feet
Spread:  6 feet
Sunlight:  full sun

A stately upright conical shaped evergreen accent tree featuring dense sturdy branches and long, very pointy silvery-blue needles...

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Byland's Blue Dwarf Colorado Spruce
Picea pungens 'ByJohn'

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  3 feet
Spread:  3 feet
Sunlight:  full sun

A very compact variety with a tendency to remain globe shaped makes this dwarf spruce an ideal accent plant for borders and...

Plant Photo 10
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Globe Blue Spruce
Picea pungens 'Globosa'

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  8 feet
Spread:  6 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A small, dense globe-shaped shrub, very unlike the species, as a mounded form that eventually becomes a compact and dense...

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